Enlarged Pores Management

Enlarged pores are depressions on the skin surface that contain one or more openings to the ducts that carry sweat and oil called the eccrine glands and sebaceous glands. Factors that may lead to enlarged pores include increased sebum production, hair follicle size, the use of comedogenic products, loss of skin elasticity from age and sun damage. Inflammatory acne may also cause enlarged pores through weakening sebaceous gland and hair follicle openings, making them more prone to blockage.

The best treatments focus on preventing and shrinking the enlarged pores by refining the skin texture. It's also very important to avoid comedonal products, that induce blackheads and whiteheads. Weight loss (which is reported to reduce sebum production), in-clinic peels, microneedling and fractionated LASER with quality homecare products. Medical management may also be required to manage any acne.

Quality Homecare Maintenance Options

Do not over cleanse or scrub your skin!


  • Cleanser or Micellar Solution

  • Ultimate Brightening Serum or Universkin P Serum (custom formulation)

  • Hydrating Serum

  • Quality SPF 50+

  • Makeup if required


  • Cleanser

  • Ultimate Brightening Serum or Universkin P Serum (custom formulation)

  • Vitamin A

  • Hydrating Serum

  • Hydration moisturiser of choice

Medical Treatments

  • 2 - 4 weekly resurfacing superficial, to medium depth chemical peels to refine the epidermis

  • 4-6 weekly maintenance peels

  • A series of mesotherapies (autologous plasma + neurotoxin)

  • Medical-Grade Microneedling

  • Injectable Bio-remodelling agents

  • Fractionated LASER resurfacing